Job Hunting: May the odds be ever in your favor

“Oh, so what are you going to be doing after graduation?”

It’s that time again. I’m getting this question at an  increasingly alarming rate. The last time this happened, I had my answer: grad school. Grad school was the perfect answer and people were perfectly content with it. Now that I’m completing graduate school apparently I’m supposed to have a plan. However, I feel like I’m at an even more awkward position then I was a year and a half ago.  At least then I was looking at entry-level positions I knew where I stood. Now I’m going to have a master’s degree. Does that make me overqualified? There are so many questions and so many different answers.

Do I write a cover letter? [Why, of course.  – It depends.] But do I use the body of the e-mail as my cover letter?[No, never. – Yes, when appropriate.] Should it be witty? [It should grab their attention. – Are you witty? – Keep the tone serious. ]Should I address the cover letter to someone specific? [Always. – If you can find the person who will be reading it.]What if HR refuses to give me that person’s name? [Stalk them (just kidding) – Sir or madam will do.] What if the companies’ systems only allow word docs. to be uploaded? [Mail it. – Call and ask for an alternate method.]   What happens to my awesome .pdf? [They can’t open .pdfs!!! Get over it!]  Is my resume creative (or too creative)? [Whoa, you went to far. – The design is beautiful.]Do my accomplishments and experience stand on its own? [I stopped reading after your name, sorry. – You’ve got a great array of internships.] What do you do if you meet the educational requirements but not the years of experience?  [I’ve seen too many different answers for this.]

I could go on and on.

I’m sure that so many other people have run into the same issues. There are so many differing opinions on the wonderful thing I call the interwebs, so where does the job hunter begin?

Job Hunting: May the odds be ever in your favor -

I’m putting out a call for career guides and job search resources.

Are there sites you frequently visit or refer to? People you follow on Twitter for job leads? I’d love to put together a comprehensive list and share it.