Shutdown Update: It’s our House we can vote how we want to

It’s Day 11 of the shutdown and I thought I’d give everyone a quick update.

I’m a pretty lucky girl. I’ve had so many friends reach out to me to see how the shutdown would it affect me before it happened. They have continued to do so and have brightened my days by sending me things to make me smile. I’m not going to lie – I enjoyed catching up on the 25 episodes of Days of Our Lives I was behind on. I liked not having to put on a pencil skirt and heels. It felt like I was in college again.

However, my perspective is a little different because I’m a contractor and not a full-time government employee. I’m no longer twiddling my thumbs at home. While there are still hundreds of thousands of federal workers cleaning their house for the fifth time (some of my colleagues are sending my daily updates), I’ve been given an opportunity to work on some non-federal contracts for my employer at the local office. You see my paycheck is contingent upon me producing work for the CDC, but I’m currently unable to do so. The president of my company made it known that he did not want us to suffer because of the unfortunate situation that is happening. Again, I repeat, I’m a pretty lucky girl.

So this week I’ve been writing case studies and researching opportunities for business development. This is quite different from my media relations duties at CDC, but it is a nice change. Although, I’m happy there will be no disruption to my bi-monthly direct deposit, I can only keep thinking of the sheer number of emails and voicemails I have waiting at my office. I keep thinking about deadlines that have passed or are approaching quickly. Where do I start when we return? How do I help my team manage the workload?

Does anyone have any suggestions on prioritizing your workload? I would appreciate any tips.

I try to offer something useful to my readers in each blog post. This time the only thing I have to share is something I hope will make you smile.

The website reads:

Whether you are a furloughed worker, being forced to work for free, or just fed up at Capitol Hill. CALL & YELL AT A RANDOM MEMBER OF CONGRESS

The “talking points” available are hysterical, but are wrapped in that truth that seems to appear after a few adult beverages. Enjoy!

Oh and one more thing: